Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual

Page 875

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7 Devices

viva 1.1 (for process analysis)




With the 858 Professional Sample Processor and the 919 IC Autosam-
pler plus, the properties of the tower, including the Swing Head
attached to it, are displayed on the Tower tab. In the case of the 814
USB Sample Processor and the 815 Robotic USB Sample Processor XL,
the model versions with one tower have one tab, Tower 1; model ver-
sions with two towers have two tabs, Tower 1 and Tower 2.

Tower parameters

Max. stroke path

Entry of the lowest permitted lift position. A lift height of 0 mm corre-
sponds to the "home position", i.e. the lift is moved all the way to the top.

Input range

0 - 235 mm

Default value

127 mm

Min. beaker radius

Definition of the minimum radius which the beakers used on the rack
must have. If the lift is moved to the work position, the beaker radii
defined in the rack table (see Chapter 6.12.2, page 831) for general sam-
ple positions (see Chapter 6.12.3, page 834) and special beakers (see
Chapter, page 834)
are compared with the
Min. beaker
. If this minimum beaker radius is not achieved, the run is stopped
and an error message is output. No check will be made if off is enabled.

Input range

1.0 - 100.0 mm



Default value


Lift rate

Lift rate for manual operation.

Input range

3 - 25 mm/s

Default value

25 mm/s

Axial distance

Distance between the axis of rotation of the sample rack and the swing
axis of the robotic arm.

814 USB Sample Processor, 858 Professional Sample Processor
Input range

100.0 - 300.0 mm

Default value

166.0 mm