9 calibration data subwindow, 1 calibration data - general, 2 calibration data table – Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual

Page 823: 1 calibration data table, Calibration data subwindow, Calibration data - general, Calibration data table

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6 Configuration

viva 1.1 (for process analysis)




Calibration data subwindow


Calibration data - General

Subwindow: Configuration

Calibration data

Calibration data subwindow
The Calibration data subwindow contains the table with all data of the
applied calibrations. It can be shown in the Configuration program part
as a part of the configuration view or (if not present on the user interface)
in a separate window with View

Quick access. The subwindow can

be enlarged and reduced as required; it can also be maximized.


Calibration data table

Calibration data table

Subwindow: Configuration

Calibration data

By default, the following information on the applied calibrations is shown
in the calibration data table:

Calibration method

Method with which the calibration has been carried out.

Calibration date

Date of the last modification of the calibration.

Determination ID

Determination ID of calibration.


Short name of the user who modified the calibration.

Table view
The calibration data table cannot be edited directly. Click on the column
title to sort the table according to the selected column in either ascending
or descending order. The table view can be adapted with the left mouse
button as follows:

Dragging the margin between column titles:
Sets the column width

Double-clicking on the margin between column titles:
Sets the optimal column width

Dragging the column title:
Moves the column to the required location