6 curves subwindow, 1 curve display, 1 curve display - general – Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual
Page 342: 2 va measuring command curve display, 1 measurement curve, Curves subwindow, Curve display, Curves 1 - 5
4.6 Curves subwindow
viva 1.1 (for process analysis)
Curves subwindow
Curve display
Curve display - General
Subwindow: Database
▶ Curves #
The subwindows Curves 1 - Curves 5 are subwindows in the Database
program part. In these subwindows, the measuring curves and calibration
curves generated by the measuring commands during the ongoing deter-
mination are shown. When navigating in the determination overview, this
data is automatically refreshed (after a certain time delay).
The subwindows Curves 1 - Curves 5 can be activated in the Database
program part during the definition of the layout and thus rendered visible.
They can be enlarged and reduced as required, and they can also be maxi-
VA measuring command curve display
In the curve window, a tab with the corresponding command name is
provided for each run of a VA measuring command. Their sequence is
determined by the method. The upper part of these tabs shows the
recorded voltammograms or calibration curves and the lower part con-
tains information on the individual measurement curves. The
serve to maximize either the upper or the lower part to the size of the
entire curve window or reset it again.
An icon representing the type of displayed curves is located next to the
title of the tab. You can toggle between the types by clicking on this icon.
Shows the measurement curve (see Chapter, page
Shows the calibration curve (see Chapter, page 332).
Measurement curve
Tab: Database
▶ Curves # ▶
Displaying the measurement curve
The following elements are displayed in the upper part of the curve win-
Axes with labeling (measured quantity and unit)
Measuring point curves
Peak label with substance name
Base points