Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual
Page 613
5 Method
viva 1.1 (for process analysis)
min | s
Default value
The run time is also stopped if the method is interrupted with [HOLD].
Signal assessment for DT
on | off (Default value: off)
If this check box is activated, then the loop will be canceled at the
moment the loop command is called again if the ratio of the current sig-
nal to the output signal of the pure basic solution is less than the specified
VA measuring command
Selection of the VA measuring command whose signal is to be checked.
'Command name'
Selection of the substance for which the signal is to be checked.
Signal ratio Q/Q(0)
Specification of the ratio of the current signal to the output signal of the
VMS basic solution. If this value is not reached, the loop will be canceled
the next time the loop command is called.
For Evaluation quantity = Area, the Signal ratio Q/Q(0) is defined as
follows: VAR{x}.AREA.MNV / VMS.AREA.MNV.
For Evaluation quantity = Height, the Signal ratio Q/Q(0) is defined
as follows: VAR{x}.HGT.MNV / VMS.HGT.MNV.
Input range
0.01 - 1.00
Default value
on | off (Default value: off)
If this check box is activated, the condition defined here will be used as a
stop criterion for Repeat and While loops.
The input field contains the expression for the condition(s) that can be cre-
ated or edited with the formula editor after clicking on
or by double-
clicking in the text field (see Chapter 2.3, page 21). If the condition is ful-