Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual

Page 1078

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viva 1.1 (for process analysis)

Electrolyte solution

Term .............................. 1053

Emergency stop ...................... 765
Empty ..................................... 961
EMPTY ................................... 470

Command variables .......... 470
Overview .......................... 470
Properties ......................... 471

END ....................................... 591

Show ............... 191, 316, 354

Equal to .................................... 51
ERROR .................................... 590

Command variables .......... 590

Error (Function) ......................... 75
Error calculation ..................... 696
Error track ...................... 404, 590

Break point evaluation ...... 525
Calculated results ............. 695
Fixed point evaluation ....... 525
General .................... 650, 651
Maximum evaluation ........ 525
Minimum evaluation ......... 525
Reprocess ......................... 289
Show evaluation lines 191,


Term .............................. 1053
Toolbar ............................ 650

Evaluation parameter variable ... 36
Evaluation ratio

Term .............................. 1053

Event message ....... 499, 500, 503
EXIT ....................................... 589

Command variables .......... 589

Exit track ........................ 403, 589
Exponential function ................. 57

Configuration data . 752, 1018
Determinations ....... 322, 1006
Export templates .............. 261
Method .................. 394, 1025
Results .............................. 694

Export template

Edit .................................. 262
Export .............................. 752
Field selection ................... 265
Import .............................. 755
Manage ........................... 261
Options for CSV format .... 265
Options for measuring point list
......................................... 266
Properties ......................... 262
Request at file export ........ 266

Select ............................... 694
Selection .......................... 322

External measured value ......... 551
External position 852, 860, 862,



FAQ ..................................... 1044
Fill .......................................... 961

Delete .............................. 280
Determinations ................. 278
Filter criterion ................... 281
Filter selection .................. 271
Last filter .......................... 278
Quick filter ........................ 278
Save ................................. 280
Special filter ...................... 279

Fixed point

Define .............................. 653

Fixed point evaluation .... 525, 529
Fixed report ............................ 245
Formula editor

ASCII table ......................... 75
Buttons .............................. 22
Calculation algorithms ........ 23
Common variables .............. 42
Determination variables ...... 41
Evaluation parameter variables
........................................... 36
Formula entry for command
parameters ....................... 386
Functions ........................... 43
Global variables .................. 43
Input field ........................... 22
Molar mass calculator ......... 76
Operators ........................... 43
Overview ............................ 21
Result variables ................... 37
System variables ................. 41
User-defined result variables
........................................... 40
Variables ............................ 24

Formula input ............................. 6
Fraction .................................... 60

Absolute value .................... 59
Case ................................... 74
Common logarithm ............ 58
Configuration ................... 730
Database .......................... 202
Determination overview .... 273
Error ................................... 75
Exponential function ........... 57

Fraction .............................. 60
Integer ............................... 60
Natural logarithm ............... 58
NumberToText ................... 66
NumberToTime ................... 66
Overview ............................ 43
Quantiles of the Student's t-dis-
tribution ............................. 62
Rounding integer ................ 61
Sign .................................... 61
Square root ........................ 59
SubText .............................. 72
TextPosition ........................ 71
TextToNumber ................... 67
TextToTime ......................... 67
Time() ................................. 63
Time(Date) .......................... 63
Time(Date+Time) ................ 64
TimeToNumber ................... 68
TimeToText ......................... 69
Tinv .................................... 62
Trim ................................... 73

Global variable

Add new global variable ... 824
Column display ................. 824
Delete .............................. 824
Edit properties .................. 825
Export .............................. 752
General ............................ 822
History ............................. 829
History limit values ............ 830
Import .............................. 755
Information ...................... 362
Intervention limits ............. 830
Monitoring ....................... 827
Parameters ....................... 826
Print list ............................ 825
Subwindow ...................... 822
Table ................................ 822
Use in the formula editor .... 43
Warning limits .................. 830

Global Variable

Assign .............................. 689
Result ............................... 688
Select ............................... 689

GLP 779, 790, 843, 848, 857,
868, 879, 888, 894, 899, 904,


Greater than ............................. 52
Greater than or equal to ........... 53