4 measuring - temperature sensors, 2 dosing, 1 dosing - overview – Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual
Page 971: Dosing
8 Manual control
viva 1.1 (for process analysis)
Measuring - Temperature sensors
Tab: Manual control
▶ Temperature sensors
Stirring rate
Selection of stirring rate.
Input range
0 - 3,000 min
⁻¹ (Increment: 100)
Default value
2,500 min
Starts the selected stirrer.
Stops the selected stirrer.
Measure temperature
Temperature sensor
Selection of the temperature sensor.
Starts the temperature measurement.
Measured value window
Stirring rate
Shows the current number of revolutions per minute of the stirrer. The
current stirring rate is also displayed if a stirrer is still switched on after a
determination has ended.
Shows the currently measured temperature. This value is displayed as soon
as a temperature measurement has been started.
Dosing - Overview
Program part: Manual control
If the Dosing devices group or a single Dosing devices is selected in
the subwindow for device selection, then the functions and parameters
that are possible with these dosing devices are displayed in the sub-
window for functions and parameters.
Dosing functions
The dosing functions for dosing units are displayed on the following tabs: