4 deleting a sample table, 5 exporting a sample table, 6 importing a sample table – Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual
Page 124: 7 renaming imported sample table
3.3 Sample tables
viva 1.1 (for process analysis)
Deleting a sample table
Menu item: Workplace
▶ Tools ▶ Sample table ▶ Manager... ▶ Sample table man-
▶ [Edit] ▶ Delete...
The selected sample tables are deleted with the [Edit]
▶ Delete... menu
item in the Sample table manager dialog window.
Exporting a sample table
Dialog window: Workplace
▶ Tools ▶ Sample table ▶ Manager... ▶ Sample table
▶ [Edit] ▶ Export... ▶ Select directory for export
The Select directory for export dialog window, in which the directory
for the export must be selected, is opened with the [Edit]
▶ Export...
menu item. The selected sample table is exported into a file with the
name 'Name'.mstab.
Importing a sample table
Dialog window: Workplace
▶ Tools ▶ Sample table ▶ Manager... ▶ Sample table
▶ [Edit] ▶ Import... ▶ Select files to import
The Select files for import dialog window, in which the sample table
(file format *.mstab) to be imported needs to be selected, is opened with
the [Edit]
▶ Import... menu item.
Renaming imported sample table
Renaming imported sample table 'Name' to
Entry of the new name for the sample table.
The name of the sample table must be unique throughout the entire cli-
ent/server system.
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