Index – Motorola MPC8260 User Manual

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Index Index-13


serial peripheral interace (SPI)

master mode, 33-3

slow go, 17-2
transparent mode

overview, 32-1
serial communications controllers (SCCs), 23-1
serial management controllers (SMCs), 26-20

UART mode

serial communications controllers (SCCs), 20-1
serial management controllers (SMCs), 26-10

MPTPR (memory refresh timer prescaler

register), 10-32

Multi-channel controllers (MCCs)


HDLC mode, 27-10
transparent mode, 27-13

channel extra parameters, 27-5
commands, 27-16
data structure organization, 27-2
exceptions, 27-17
features list, 27-1
global parameters, 27-3
HDLC parameters (channel-specific), 27-8
initialization, 27-24
INTMSK, 27-9
latency, 27-26
MCCE, 27-18
MCCFx, 27-15
MCCM, 27-18
parameters for transparent operation, 27-12
performance, 27-26
receive commands, 27-17
RSTATE, 27-11
RxBD, 27-21
super channel table, 27-5
TSTATE, 27-9
TxBD, 27-23

MxMR (machine x mode registers), 10-26


NMSI (non-multiplexed serial interface)

configuration, 15-4
SMC NMSI connection, receive and transmit, 26-2
synchronization in NMSI mode,

transparent operation, 23-3



atomic bus operation, 10-10
digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) operation, 19-22
SMC buffer descriptor, 26-5
transparent operation, NMSI sychronization, 23-3

ORx (option registers), 10-16


Parallel I/O ports

block diagram, 35-6
features, 35-1
overview, 35-1
PDATx, 35-2
PDIRx, 35-3
pin assignments (port AÐport D), 35-8Ð35-19
PODRx, 35-2
port C interrupts, 35-19
port pin functions, 35-6
PPAR, 35-4
programming options, 35-8
PSORx, 35-4
registers, 35-2

Parameter RAM

ATM controller, 29-37
fast communications controllers (FCCs)

Fast Ethernet mode, 30-9
HDLC mode, 31-4
overview, 28-10

HDLC mode, 21-3


C controller, 34-9

IDMA emulation, 18-16
serial communications controllers (SCCs)

all protocols, 19-13
base addresses, 19-15
BISYNC mode, 22-3
overview, 19-13
UART mode, 20-4

serial management controllers (SMCs)

GCI mode, 26-30
overview, 26-6, 26-30
transparent mode, 26-6
UART mode, 26-6

serial peripheral interface (SPI), 33-10

Parity byte select (PBSE), 10-11
PDATx (port data) registers, 35-2
PDIRx (port data direction registers), 35-3
PDTEA (SDMA 60x bus transfer error address

register), 18-4

PDTEM (SDMA 60x bus transfer error MSNUM

register), 18-4

PISCR (periodic interrupt status and control

register), 4-42

PITC (periodic interrupt timer count register), 4-43
PITR (periodic interrupt timer register), 4-44
PODRx (port open-drain registers), 35-2
Power consumption

FCCs, 28-21
SCCs, 19-27

PPAR (port pin assignment register), 35-4
PPC_ACR (60x bus arbiter configuration

register), 4-28