3 scc hdlc channel frame reception, 4 scc hdlc parameter ram, Scc hdlc channel frame reception -3 – Motorola MPC8260 User Manual
Page 611: Scc hdlc parameter ram -3

Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
insert a high-priority frame without aborting the current oneÑa graceful-stop-complete
event is generated in SCCE[GRA] when the current frame is Þnished. See Section 21.6,
ÒSCC HDLC Commands.Ó
21.3 SCC HDLC Channel Frame Reception
The HDLC receiver is designed to work with little or no core intervention to perform
address recognition, CRC checking, and maximum frame length checking. Received
frames can be used to implement any HDLC-based protocol.
Once enabled by the core, the receiver waits for an opening ßag character. When it detects
the Þrst byte of the frame, the SCC compares the frame address with four user-
programmable, 16-bit address registers and an address mask. The SCC compares the
received address Þeld with the user-deÞned values after masking with the address mask. To
detect broadcast (all ones) address frames, one address register must be written with all
If an address match is detected, the SCC fetches the next BD and SCC starts transferring
the incoming frame to the buffer if it is empty. When the buffer is full, the SCC clears
RxBD[E] and generates a maskable interrupt if RxBD[I] is set. If the incoming frame is
larger than the current buffer, the SCC continues receiving using the next BD in the table.
During reception, the SCC checks for frames that are too long (using MFLR). When the
frame ends, the CRC Þeld is checked against the recalculated value and written to the
buffer. RxBD[Data Length] of the last BD in the HDLC frame contains the entire frame
length. This also enables software to identify the frames in which the maximum frame
length violations occur. The SCC sets RxBD[L] (last buffer in frame), writes the frame
status bits, and clears RxBD[E]. It then generates a maskable event (SCCE[RXF]) to
indicate a frame was received. The SCC then waits for a new frame. Back-to-back frames
can be received with only one shared ßag between frames.
The received frames threshold parameter (RFTHR) can be used to postpone interrupts until
a speciÞed number of frames is received. This function can be combined with a timer to
implement a timeout if fewer than the speciÞed number of threshold frames is received.
Note that SCCs in HDLC mode, or any other synchronous mode, must receive a minimum
of eight clocks after the last bit arrives to account for Rx FIFO delay.
21.4 SCC HDLC Parameter RAM
For HDLC mode, the protocol-speciÞc area of the SCC parameter RAM is mapped as in
Table 21-1.