1 features, Features -2 – Motorola MPC8260 User Manual
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Chapter 29. ATM Controller
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.1 Features
The ATM controller has the following features:
Full duplex segmentation and reassembly at 155 Mbps
UTOPIA level II master and slave modes 8/16 bit
AAL5, AAL1, AAL0 protocols
Up to 255 active VCs internally, and up to 64K VCs using external memory
TM 4.0 CBR, VBR, UBR, UBR+ trafÞc types
VBR type 1 and 2 trafÞc using leaky buckets (GCRA)
TM 4.0 ABR ßow control (EFCI and ER)
Idle/unassign cells screening/transmission option
External and internal rate transmit modes
Special mode for ATM-to-TDM or ATM-to-ATM data forwarding
CLP and congestion indication marking
User-deÞned cells up to 65 bytes
Separate Tx and RxBD tables for each virtual channel (VC)
Special mode of global free buffer pools for dynamic and efÞcient memory
allocation with early packet discard (EPD) support
Interrupt report per channel using four priority interrupt queues
Compliant with ATMF UNI 4.0 and ITU speciÞcation
AAL5 cell format
Ñ Reassembly
Ð Reassemble PDU directly to external memory
Ð CRC32 check
Ð CLP and congestion report
Ð CPCS_UU, CPI, and length check
Ð Abort message report
Ñ Segmentation
Ð Segment PDU directly from external memory
Ð Performs PDU padding
Ð CRC32 generation
Ð Automatic last cell marking
Ð Automatic CPCS_UU, CPI, and length insertion
Ð Abort message option
AAL1 cell format
Ñ Reassembly
Ð Reassemble PDU directly to external memory
Ð Support for partially Þlled cells (conÞgurable on a per-VC basis)