Motorola MPC8260 User Manual
Page 554

MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
18.12.2 Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Mode (Both on 60x Bus)Ñ
In the example in Table 18-16, IDMA3 transfers data from a memory device to a 4-byte
wide peripheral, both on the 60x bus. The transfers are made by issuing 4-byte read
transactions to the memory and asserting DACK so the peripheral samples the data from
the bus directly. No address is dedicated for the peripheral, and no internal buffer is deÞned
in this mode. The IDMA3 channel asserts DONE on the last read transfer of the last BD to
notify the peripheral that there is no data left to transfer.
Last BD(SDN) = 1
DONE is asserted on the last transfer from peripheral.
Last BD(DDN) = 0
DONE is not asserted on the last transfer to memory.
Every BD(DL) = k*STS
Data length must be STS modular (divided by STS without residue).
IDMR2 = 0x0300_0000
IDMA2 Mask register is programmed to enable EDN and BC interrupts only.
SIMR_L = 0x0000_0200
Interrupt controller is programmed to enable interrupts from IDMA2.
PDIRC = 0x1000_0000
PPARC = 0x7000_0000
PSORC = 0x3000_0000
PODRC = 0x2000_0000
Parallel I/O registers are programmed to enable:PC[1] = DREQ2; PC[3] = DACK2; PC[2] =
The peripheral signals are to be connected to these lines accordingly.
RCCR = 0x0000_0000
IDMA2 conÞguration: DREQ is edge low-to-high. DONE is high-to-low. Request priority is
higher than the SCCs.
88FE = 0x0300
IDMA2_BASE points to 0x0300 where the parameter table base address is located for IDMA2.
CPCR = 0x22A1_0009
command. IDMA2 page-01000 SBC-10101 op-1001 FLG=1.This write starts the
channel operation.
DMA operation description:
: Initialize all parameter RAM values, wait for DREQ to open the Þrst BD. The four Þrst DREQs trigger single, 8-
byte read transactions from the peripheral until data in the internal buffer is 32 bytes long. Then, a write transaction to
memory is done with the size needed for alignment.
Steady state: Every DREQ assertion triggers a read transaction of 8 bytes from the peripheral. If the data in the internal
buffer is more than 31 bytes a write transaction to memory of 32 bytes (one local burst) follows immediately. Memory
address is incremented constantly. Last read transaction of the last BD from the peripheral is combined with DONE
: After all data in internal buffer is written to memory in one transfer, SC bit is set in IDSR (SC interrupt to the
core is not enabled) and BD is closed. Channel is stopped until
command is reissued.
DONE assertion by the peripheral: All data in internal buffer is written to memory in one transfer. At the end of the transfer,
EDN interrupt is set to hos. Additional DREQ assertions are ignored. IDMA2 channel is stopped until
command is issued.
Table 18-16. Example: Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Mode (on 60x)ÐIDMA3
Important Init Values
DCM[FB] = 1
Fly-by mode.
DCM[LP] = x
DonÕt care. Transfer from memory to peripheral on the 60x bus is high priority.
DCM[DMA_WRAP] = DC DonÕt care. No internal buffer is used.
Table 18-15. Example: Peripheral-to-Memory ModeÑIDMA2 (Continued)
Important Init Values