Motorola MPC8260 User Manual

Page 135

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Part II. Configuration and Reset

Part II-i

Part II

ConÞguration and Reset


Part II is intended for system designers and programmers who need to understand the
operation of the MPC8260 at start up. It assumes understanding of the PowerPC
programming model described in the previous chapters and a high level understanding of
the MPC8260.


Part II describes start-up behavior of the MPC8260.

It contains the following chapters:


Chapter 4, ÒSystem Interface Unit (SIU),Ó describes the system conÞguration and
protection functions which provide various monitors and timers, and the 60x bus


Chapter 5, ÒReset,Ó describes the behavior of the MPC8260 at reset and start-up.

Suggested Reading

Supporting documentation for the MPC8260 can be accessed through the world-wide web
at and at This
documentation includes technical speciÞcations, reference materials, and detailed
applications notes.