Index – Motorola MPC8260 User Manual
Page 1001

Index Index-21
fractional stop bits, 20-11
handling errors, 20-12
hunt mode, 20-10
memory map, 20-4
normal asynchronous mode, 20-3
overview, 20-1
parameter RAM, 20-4
programming example, 20-22
RxBD, 20-15
serial management controllers
character mode, 26-12
commands, 26-12
data handling, 26-12
error handling, 26-13
features list, 26-11
features not supported by SMCs, 26-10
frame format, 26-11
message-oriented mode, 26-12
overview, 26-10
parameter RAM, 26-6
programming example, 26-19
reception process, 26-12
RxBD, 26-14
transmission process, 26-11
TxBD, 26-16
S-records loader application, 20-23
status reporting, 20-6
synchronous mode, 20-3
TxBD, 20-18
UPMs (user-programmable machines)
access times, handling devices, 10-100
address control bits, 10-77
address mulitplexing, 10-77
clock timing, 10-67
data sample control, 10-77
data valid, 10-77
differences between MPC8xx and MPC8260, 10-80
DRAM configuration example, 10-79
EDO interface example, 10-92
exception requests, 10-66
hierarchical bus interface example, 10-100
implementation differences with SDRAM machine
loop control, 10-76
memory access requests, 10-65
memory system interface example, 10-81
MPC8xx versus MPC8260, 10-80
overview, 10-62
programming the UPM, 10-66
RAM array, 10-69
RAM word, 10-70
refresh timer requests, 10-65
register settings, 10-80
requests, 10-64
signal negation, 10-78
software requests, 10-66
UPWAIT signal, 10-78
wait mechanism, 10-78