Basler Electric DGC-2020 User Manual

Page 288

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Figure 7-21. Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Remote Module Setup Screen ............................ 7-16

Figure 7-22. Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Contact Inputs Screen ...................................... 7-17

Figure 7-23. Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Programmable Functions Screen ..................... 7-18

Figure 7-24. Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Remote LSM Inputs Screen .............................. 7-20

Figure 7-25. Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Remote Contact Inputs Screen ......................... 7-22

Figure 7-26. Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Remote Analog Inputs Screen .......................... 7-23

Figure 7-27. Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Remote RTD Inputs Screen .............................. 7-25

Figure 7-28. Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Remote Thermocouple Inputs Screen .............. 7-26

Figure 7-29. Settings Explorer, Programmable Outputs, Contact Outputs Screen ................................. 7-27

Figure 7-30. Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Relay Control Screen ........................................... 7-27

Figure 7-31. Logic Example of Programmable Relays ............................................................................ 7-28

Figure 7-32. Settings Explorer, Programmable Outputs, Configurable Elements Screen ...................... 7-29

Figure 7-33. Using a Configurable Element Logic Diagram .................................................................... 7-29

Figure 7-34. Settings Explorer, Programmable Outputs, Remote Contact Outputs Screen ................... 7-30

Figure 7-35. Settings Explorer, Programmable Outputs, Remote Analog Outputs Screen .................... 7-30

Figure 7-36. Settings Explorer, Breaker Management, Breaker Hardware Screen ................................ 7-32

Figure 7-37. Settings Explorer, BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic Settings ...................................... 7-33

Figure 7-38. Settings Explorer, Breaker Management, Bus Condition Detection ................................... 7-34

Figure 7-39. Settings Explorer, General Settings, Style Number Screen ............................................... 7-36

Figure 7-40. Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Remote Module Setup Screen ............................ 7-37

Figure 7-41. Settings Explorer, Programmable Inputs, Contact Inputs Screen ...................................... 7-37

Figure 7-42. Settings Explorer, Programmable Outputs, Contact Outputs Screen ................................. 7-38

Figure 7-43. Settings Explorer, Breaker Management, Breaker Hardware Screen ................................ 7-39

Figure 7-44. Settings Explorer, Breaker Management, Bus Condition Detection Screen ....................... 7-40

Figure 7-45. Settings Explorer, Breaker Management, Synchronizer Screen ........................................ 7-41

Figure 7-46. Settings Explorer, Bias Control Settings, AVR Bias Control Settings Screen .................... 7-42

Figure 7-47. Settings Explorer, Bias Control Settings, Governor Bias Control Settings Screen............. 7-42

Figure 7-48. Settings Explorer, Multigen Management, AVR Output Screen ......................................... 7-43

Figure 7-49. Settings Explorer, Multigen Management, Governor Output Screen ................................. 7-43

Figure 7-50. Settings Explorer, BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic (Step 12) .................................... 7-44

Figure 7-51. Settings Explorer, BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic (Step 13) .................................... 7-45

Figure 7-52. Settings Explorer, BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic (Step 14) .................................... 7-45

Figure 7-53. Settings Explorer, BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic (Step 15) .................................... 7-46

Figure 7-54. Load Share Line Implementation on a System of N Machines ........................................... 7-47

Figure 7-55. Settings Explorer, System Parameters, Remote Module Setup Screen ............................ 7-49

Figure 7-56. Settings Explorer, Multigen Management, Load Share Output Screen .............................. 7-50

Figure 7-57. Settings Explorer, Multigen Management, AVR Output Screen ......................................... 7-50

Figure 7-58. Settings Explorer, Multigen Management, Governor Output Screen ................................. 7-51

Figure 7-59. Settings Explorer, Bias Control Settings, Governor Bias Control Settings Screen............. 7-52

Figure 7-60. Settings Explorer, Bias Control Settings, AVR Bias Control Settings Screen .................... 7-54

Figure 7-61. Settings Explorer, Multigen Management, Demand Start/Stop Screen .............................. 7-57

Figure 7-62. Settings Explorer, Multigen Management, Generator Sequencing Screen ........................ 7-58

Figure 7-63. Settings Explorer, Multigen Management, Network Configuration ..................................... 7-59

Figure 7-64. Settings Explorer, Breaker Management, Breaker Hardware Screen ................................ 7-61

Figure 7-65. Settings Explorer, Breaker Management, Mains Fail Screen ............................................. 7-62

Figure 7-66. Settings Explorer, BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic .................................................... 7-63

Figure 7-67. Settings Explorer, Breaker Management, Bus Condition Detection Screen ....................... 7-64


DGC-2020 Setup

9400200990 Rev X

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