Basler Electric DGC-2020 User Manual

Page 202

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Beginning with BESTCOMSPlus version 2.06.01, settings files are saved as

∗.bstx”. Settings files opened with the previous “∗.bst” extension will be

converted to “

∗.bstx” when saved. A settings file with the “∗.bstx” extension can

only be opened with BESTCOMSPlus version 2.06.01 and later.

Opening a Settings File

To open a DGC-2020 settings file with BESTCOMSPlus, pull down the File menu and choose Open. The
Open dialog box appears. This dialog box allows you to use normal Windows techniques to select the file
that you want to open. Select the file and choose Open. You can also open a file by clicking on the Open
button on the lower menu bar. If connected to a device, you will be asked to upload the settings and
logic from the file to the current device. If you choose Yes, the settings displayed in BESTCOMSPlus will
be overwritten with the settings of the opened file.

Saving a Settings File

Select Save or Save As from the File pull-down menu. A dialog box pops up allowing you to enter a
filename and location to save the file. Select the Save button to complete the save.

Upload Settings and/or Logic to Device

To upload a settings file to the DGC-2020, open the file through BESTCOMSPlus or create the file using
BESTCOMSPlus. Then pull down the Communication menu and select Upload Settings and Logic to
If you want to upload operational settings without logic, select Upload Settings to Device. If you
want to upload logic without operational settings, select Upload Logic to Device. You are prompted to
enter the password. The default password is “OEM”. If the password is correct, the upload begins and the
progress bar is shown.

Download Settings and Logic from Device

To download settings and logic from the DGC-2020, pull down the Communication menu and select
Download Settings and Logic from Device. If the settings in BESTCOMSPlus have changed, a dialog box
will open asking if you want to save the current settings changes. You can choose Yes or No. After you
have taken the required action to save or discard the current settings, downloading begins.
BESTCOMSPlus will read all settings and logic from the DGC-2020 and load them into BESTCOMSPlus

Printing a Settings File

To view a preview of the settings printout, select Print Preview from the File pull-down menu. To print the
settings, select the printer icon in the upper left corner of the Print Preview screen.

You can skip the print preview and go directly to print by pulling down the File menu and selecting Print. A
dialog box, Print opens with the typical Windows choice to setup the properties of printer. Execute this
command, as necessary, and then select Print.

Comparing Settings Files

BESTCOMSPlus has the ability to compare two settings files. To compare files, pull down the Tools menu
and select Compare Settings Files. The BESTCOMSPlus Settings Compare Setup dialog box appears
(Figure 4-76). Select the location of the first file under Left Settings Source and select the location of the
second file under Right Settings Source. If you are comparing a settings file located on your PC hard
drive or portable media, click the folder button and navigate to the file. If you want to compare settings
downloaded from a unit, click the Select Unit button to set up the communication port. Click the Compare
button to compare the selected settings files.

A dialog box will appear and notify you if any differences were found. The BESTCOMSPlus Settings
dialog box (Figure 4-77) is displayed where you can view all settings (Show All Settings), view
only the differences (Show Settings Differences), view all logic (Show All Logic Paths), or view only logic
differences (Show Logic Path Differences). Select Close when finished.



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