Basler Electric SMC-250 User Manual
Instructions, Warning
+1 618.654.2341 (USA)
SMC-250 Synchronous Motor Controller
System Overview
The Basler Electric SMC-250 Synchronous Motor
Controller precisely and reliably controls the level of
excitation power supplied to the field of a brushless
synchronous motor. Field excitation power is
delivered and controlled by a DECS-250 Digital
Excitation Control System. Comprehensive motor
protection is provided by a BE1-11m Motor Protection
System. Coordinated programming of the DECS-250
and BE1-11m yields efficient control of the machine
and minimizes machine downtime.
The DECS-250, BE1-11m, control relays, and
connection terminals are mounted and wired on a
single mounting plate or pan chassis intended for
installation in a suitable enclosure.
This publication serves as an overview of the
functions and capabilities available in the SMC-250.
System drawings and product documentation specific
to the devices of the SMC-250 accompany this
Personal injury may result if contact is made
with system components carrying high
voltages. The circuit diagrams, supplied with
this document, will disclose hazardous areas.
As with all electrical equipment, appropriate safety
measures must be taken whenever dealing with the
excitation equipment. High voltages are present at
the equipment. The voltage magnitudes depend upon
the characteristics of a particular system. Opening
the power source connections does not completely
remove the threat of high voltages. As long as the
machine is physically connected to the system, the
possibility of a safety hazard exists.
When working with the excitation control switchgear,
every precaution must be taken to ensure that all
high voltages are isolated and avoided. In addition to
voltage at the PPT, there may be other power
sources connected to the equipment. These sources
may include the user-supplied dc control power and
the ac station power. Consider all connections to be
live and dangerous until proven otherwise.
Careful handling and routine maintenance will
promote SMC-250 longevity and preserve its
performance. Basler Electric publication 9410100990,
supplied with this publication, provides guidelines for
handling, installing, and maintaining the SMC-250.
SMC-250 features and options are defined and
specified by a style number derived from the style
chart shown in Figure 1.
Standard equipment elements include a DECS-250
Digital Excitation Control System, BE1-11m Motor
Protection System, BE3-74SD DC Millivolt Sensing
Relay (for overexcitation and underexcitation
protection), auxiliary relays, a metering shunt, dc
power supply, circuit breakers, and user terminals.
Mounting Configurations
One of two SMC-250 mounting configurations may
be specified. Components are mounted and wired on
a mounting plate (style xxxxxxMx) or a pan chassis
(style xxxxxxPx).
The mounting plate is constructed from 1.5 milli-
meter, galvanized steel. Mounting plate dimensions
are shown on an outline drawing which accompanies
this publication.
The pan chassis is constructed from 11 gauge steel
and finished with a light-gray, thermoset polymer
coating. Pan chassis dimensions are shown on an
outline drawing which accompanies this publication.
Terminal Configurations
One of two SMC-250 terminal configurations may be
specified. User connections to the SMC-250 are
made with spring terminals (style xxxxxxxS) or
compression (screw) terminals (style xxxxxxxC). Both
terminal types accommodate wire sizes over the
range of 24 to 12 AWG or 0.2 mm
to 2.5 mm
. When
wiring to spring terminals or compression terminals a
wire insulation stripping length of 8 to 10 millimeters
(0.315 to 0.394 inches) is recommended.
When tightening the connection screws of
compression terminals, apply a torque no greater
than 0.6 N
•m or 5.3 in-lb.
Control and Indication
SMC-250 controls consist of user-supplied switches
and contacts which connect to the plate/chassis
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