Rs485 setup (optional), System parameters, System settings and rated data – Basler Electric DGC-2020 User Manual
Page 140: Rs485 setup (optional) -30, System parameters -30, System settings and rated data -30, Figure 4-24. rs485 setup -30, Modem setup through the front panel hmi

Dial Out Number: Accepts a telephone number of up to 16 characters.
Pager ID: Accepts a pager identification number of up to 16 characters.
Modem Dialout Conditions: Check boxes to select conditions that will initiate a dial-out message.
Pager Coms Data Format: 7 bit – Even Parity or 8 bit – No Parity.
Pager Buffer Limit: Adjustable from 80 to 200 characters in increments of 40.
Modem Offline Delay: Adjustable from 1 to 240 min in 1 min increments.
Inter Dialout Activation Delay: A delay of 15, 30, 60, or 120 s can be selected.
Rings for Modem Answer: Adjustable from 1 to 9 in increments of 1.
Modem Initialization String: Accepts a modem initialization (AT command) string of up to 50 characters.
Refer to the documentation included with your modem for the compatible initialization strings.
Modem Setup through the Front Panel HMI
If a USB or Ethernet connection is not available, the modem can be completely set up through the front-
panel interface. Navigate to MAIN MENU
enter parameters for Dialout Numbers, Pager IDs, Rings for Answer, Offline Delay, Dialout Delay, Pager
Buffer Limit, and Pager Communication Data Format.
After the modem is set up properly, a modem connection between a computer running BESTCOMSPlus
and the DGC-2020 can be established.
RS485 Setup (Optional)
DGC-2020 controllers with the optional RS-485 communication port (style number xxxRxxxxx) can be
monitored and controlled via a polled network using the Modbus protocol. Adjustable RS-485 port settings
include the baud rate
, parity
, port address
and legacy Modbus map
. Fixed RS-485 port settings
include the number of data bits (8) and stop bits (1).
Modbus register values for the DGC-2020 are listed and defined in Appendix B, Modbus Communication.
The BESTCOMSPlus RS485 Setup screen is illustrated in Figure 4-24.
Figure 4-24. RS485 Setup
Baud Rate: A value of 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 can be selected.
Parity: No Parity, Odd Parity, or Even Parity.
Modbus Address: A value of 1 to 247 can be entered in increments of 1.
Legacy Modbus Map: DGC-2000 or DGC-1000
System Parameters
System parameters configure the DGC-2020 for operation with a specific application and are divided into
eight categories: system settings and rated data, remote module setup, crank settings, automatic restart,
exercise timer, sensing transformers, relay control, and auto config detection.
System Settings and Rated Data
The following settings are used to configure the DGC-2020 for operation with a specific genset
application. Refer to Figure 4-25, System Settings, and Figure 4-26, Rated Data. Click the Edit button on
the Rated Data screen to make changes to rated data and click the Save button when finished. Sensing
Transformers settings are described later in this section under Sensing Transformers.
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