Figure 4-81. metering, docking options -98 – Basler Electric DGC-2020 User Manual
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Figure 4-81. Metering, Docking Options
Table 4-8. Explanation of Call-Outs on Figure 4-81
Holding the left mouse button down on a metering tab and dragging it to one of
the four arrow boxes will place it inside the selected window on the location
selected. To place the metering tab as a tab inside the selected window, drop
it on the tabs button in the center of the arrow buttons.
Holding the left mouse button down on a metering tab and dragging it to this
arrow box will place it across the top of the screen. Click on the (thumbtack)
to dock it on the top bar. To display a screen that is docked, simply use the
mouse to hover the pointer over the tab on the top bar.
Holding the left mouse button down on a metering tab and dragging it to this
arrow box will place it across the side of the screen. Click on the
(thumbtack) to dock it on the side bar. To display a screen that is docked,
simply use the mouse to hover the pointer over the tab on the side bar.
Holding the left mouse button down on a metering tab and dragging it to this
arrow box will place it across the bottom of the screen. Click on the
(thumbtack) to dock it on the bottom bar. To display a screen that is docked,
simply use the mouse to hover the pointer over the tab on the bottom bar.
Holding the left mouse button down on a metering tab and dragging it to
anywhere other than an arrow box will place it as a floating metering screen.
This floating screen can later be closed by clicking on the
in the upper right
corner. It can also be dragged to one of the arrow boxes used for docking.
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