Configurable protection, Configurable protection -50 – Basler Electric DGC-2020 User Manual
Page 160

Param Selection: Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp, Battery Volts, RPM, Fuel Level, Gen VAB, Gen VBC,
Gen VCA, Gen VAN, Gen VBN, Gen VCN, Bus Freq, Bus Volts, Gen Freq, Gen PF, Gen IA, Gen IB, Gen
IC, kW A, kW B, kW C, kW Total, kVA A, kVA B, kVA C, kVA Total, Analog Input 1-8, RTD Input 1-8,
Thermocouple Input 1-2, Fuel Delivery Pressure, kvar A, kvar B, kvar C, kvar Total, Injector Metering Rail
Pressure, Total Fuel Used, Fuel Temperature, Engine Oil Temperature, Engine Intercooler Temperature,
Coolant Pressure, Fuel Rate, Boost Pressure, Intake Manifold Temperature, Charge Air Temperature,
Engine Percent Load.
Output Type: Voltage or Current.
Out of Range Alarm Configuration: None, Alarm, Pre-Alarm, or Status Only.
Out of Range Activation Delay: Adjustable from 0 to 300 s in 1 s increments.
Param Min: –99,999.0 to +99,999.0 in increments of 0.1.
Min Output Current: Adjustable from 4 to 20 mA in 0.1 mA increments.
Min Output Voltage: Adjustable from 0 to 10 V in 0.1 V increments.
Param Max: –99,999.0 to +99,999.0 in increments of 0.1.
Max Output Current: Adjustable from 4 to 20 mA in 0.1 mA increments.
Max Output Voltage: Adjustable from 0 to 10 V in 0.1 V increments.
Configurable Protection
Configurable protection can be used when the standard protection available with the DGC-2020 does not
meet the application needs. Eight configurable protection items are provided. To make identifying the
items easier, each of the items can be given a user-assigned name
Select a parameter
to monitor. A user-adjustable arming delay
disables configurable protection during
engine startup. If the arming delay is set to zero, the configurable protection is active at all times,
including when the engine is not running. If the arming delay is set to a non-zero value, the configurable
protection is inactive when the engine is not running, and does not become active until after the engine is
started and the arming delay has elapsed. A setting is provided to adjust the hysteresis
Each configurable protection item can be independently configured to annunciate an alarm, pre-alarm, or
status only
when the parameter selection falls beyond the threshold
. A user-adjustable activation delay
setting delays alarm annunciation after the threshold has been exceeded.
Configurable protection is disabled when Alarm Configuration is set to “None”.
The Arming Delay should not be set to zero if Oil Pressure or Battery Volts is
selected for configurable protection and the threshold alarm configuration is
set to Alarm. Setting the arming delay to zero will cause an immediate alarm
and the engine will not start.
The configurable protection items are incorporated into a BESTlogicPlus programmable logic scheme by
selecting them from the I/O group in BESTlogicPlus. For more details, refer to Section 5, BESTlogicPlus
Programmable Logic.
Configurable Protection status is available in BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic when “Status Only” is
The BESTCOMSPlus Configurable Protection #1 screen is illustrated in Figure 4-45.
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