Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 92

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Chapter 2


Note: You can also erase time signatures in the Score Editor by selecting them, and
hitting Backspace. To erase all time signature events, select Edit > Select Similar
before doing so.

To copy time signatures between songs:


Activate the Signature track via the View > Global Tracks menu option.


Select the desired time signatures.


Choose Edit > Copy (or press Control-C). All time signature changes of the source song
are copied to the Clipboard.


Switch to the desired target song.


Activate the Signature track and choose Edit > Paste (or press Control-V). The copied
meter changes are pasted into the target song.

Note: As any copied time and key signature changes are mixed with those of the
destination song when pasted, this procedure should only be used to copy such
changes to a song that contains no time and key signature changes.

To move time signature changes within a song:


Set the locator positions as desired.


Ensure that no Regions are selected, and then select Region > Cut/Insert Time >
Snip: Cut Time and Move by Locators
in the Arrange window. All meter changes between
the locators (if any exist) are deleted, and subsequent key and/or time signature
changes are correspondingly moved to the left.


Region > Cut/Insert Time > Insert Time and Move by Locators will do the opposite: A
section without any meter changes will be inserted between the locators, and
previously existing meter changes are moved to the right by the length of the cycle
area, as defined by the locator positions.