Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 717

background image




adding 431
adding comment 432
checking for changes 427
consolidating 429
copying 432
database 427
finding 420, 431
general handling 425
management 419
moving 432
renaming 424
scanning 421
structure 429
viewing 423, 432


identification 424

from CD 428

filter 692

allpass 684
bandpass 686
band rejection 686
highpass 695

Filter button 693
filter slope 693
Final Cut Pro/XML

exporting 83
importing 83

Find field 693
Finger 19
Finger tool 693
FireWire 693

video playback 621

float window 693
Folder 153, 693

adding Region 154
creating 153
entering 153
exiting 154
transposing 143
unpacking 154

forwarding 95
Freeze function 196, 693

DSP card 196

From Regions button 333


GarageBand 77

Channel Strip setting 78
Instruments 77
opening GarageBand song in Logic 77

General MIDI. See GM
Global track 329

Beat Mapping track 337

Chord track 342
Deselect Global Tracks function 332
displaying 330

key command 330

global event 331

copying 332
creating 331
deleting 332
selecting 331

Marker track 332
reordering 331
Signature track 341
Tempo track 335
Transposition track 344
typ 329
Video track 346

Glue tool 20, 694
Go Into Folder or Region key command 153
Go into Folder or Region key command 23
Goto Position key command 99
Goto Selection Start/End key command 36
Group 276

disabling temporarily 278
fast assignment 277
overlapping 276
settings 277

GS 694


Hand tool 694
headroom 282
help tag 21

displaying 650

Hermode Tuning 632, 694
Hide button 694
Hide View button 117, 695
Hide Windows of inactive song preference 66
highpass filter 695
hi-hat mode 462
History window

un/redoing isolated step 34

Hyper Draw function 695
Hyper Editor 455, 695

Event Definition Parameter box 459

Hyper Set 695


icon 112

assiging to Object 124
creating user-definable icon 112


Final Cut Pro/XML 83
OMF 81
Open TL 82