Digital mixdown, No mixdown situation, Mixdown” of regions in a track – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 192

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Chapter 4

Audio in the Arrange Window

This is how scrubbing works:


Hit the Pause button on the Transport bar (see “Transport Buttons” on page 94).


Grab the Song Position Line with the mouse, and move it back and forth through the
parts of the song you want to hear. Note how audio and MIDI data are played back in
perfect synchronicity, when scrubbing.


You can scrub at any zoom resolution—so set up a magnification level that you’re
comfortable with, for the section of the song you’re scrubbing through.

Note: If your audio hardware permits it, scrubbing can also be activated when you’re
dividing Regions (with the scissors) in the Arrange window.

Digital Mixdown

Logic allows you to digitally mix down audio data from within the Arrange window.
This is done with the Glue tool. This function is non-destructive, as Logic always creates
a new file for the mixed-down material. This new audio file is stored on your hard drive.

To carry out a mixdown, select the Glue tool from the Toolbox, and use it to select the
required Regions for mixdown (if necessary, using Shift as well).

The mixdown process can be aborted by pressing Command-period. All audio files will
remain unchanged.

No Mixdown Situation

If there are several Regions (mono or stereo) in a row on the same track, which have
been cut out of one Region using the scissors tool, no mixdown is carried out. In this
situation, a single Region is simply created over the entire area. This delivers the
desired result, without using any additional disk space.

Logic can recognize associated Regions, even if there are gaps between them. The
determining factor is that the relative position of the Regions in the Arrange window
corresponds to the relative position of the Regions in the underlying audio file.

No mixdown occurs when you try to mix two Regions on tracks that are panned to
opposite sides.

The two resulting mixdown files would be identical to the original audio files (in the
areas used for the Regions). If you don’t need the unused areas of the audio files,
select “Optimize Files”.

“Mixdown” of Regions in a Track

If several Regions that overlap each other are selected on a single track, no mixdown
occurs. You are asked to create a new audio file, which is named after the first Region
on the track. The selected Regions are then mixed together, with no changes to
volume, and without clip scanning.

If there are empty sections between two Regions, these are added into the new audio
file—as silent passages.