Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 687

Bar Ruler Ruler found at the top of the Arrange, Matrix, Hyper, and Score windows. It
displays musical time units including bars, measures, beats, and beat divisions. It is
used to set and display the song position, the cycle and autodrop locators, as well as
beat A musical time interval: “the beat is the regular rhythmic pulse in a composition
that people tap their feet to”. Usually a quarter note.
Beat Mapping track Component of the Global tracks that helps to make a rhythmically
meaningful display of recordings that do not correspond to a strict tempo throughout.
It does this by redefining the bar positions of existing musical events, without
changing their absolute time position, thereby preserving the audible result with its
original timing.
beats per minute See bpm.
bit depth The number of bits a digital recording or digital device uses. The number of
bits in each sample determines the theoretical maximum dynamic range of the audio
data, regardless of sample rate. Also known as bit resolution, word length or bit rate.
bit rate See bit depth
bit resolution See bit depth
blue noise Highpass-filtered white noise, sounds like tape hiss.
boosting The act of raising an audio level.
bounce To process recorded or streamed MIDI and/or Audio Regions with any applied
effects, such as delay or compression, combining them into one audio file. In Logic, you
can choose between Realtime and Offline bouncing. Offline bouncing is faster, but
doesn’t allow you to apply live automation or record real time audio input.
Bounce button You can bounce the output of any Output Object to an audio file by
clicking the Object’s Bounce button. See also bounce.
bpm Abbreviation for beats per minute, a measure of the tempo of musical piece. As
an example: 120 bpm means that in one minute, there will be 120 musical beats
(quarter notes).
bus The term bus is used to describe a send/return routing scheme for audio channels.
In Logic, effects can be sent to/from Bus Objects for processing or submixing tasks.
Bus Object Audio Object in the Environment’s Audio layer. Usually used to route the
signal of an individual send bus to Output Objects. See also bus.