Creating a midi region, Capture recording, Creating an empty midi region – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 129: Deleting midi regions, Deleting muted regions, Retrieving deleted midi regions

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Chapter 3

Arrange Window


Creating a MIDI Region

Normally a MIDI Region is created automatically when you record on the selected track.
It begins at the start of the bar in which the first event was recorded, and stops at the
end of the bar in which the last event was recorded.

Note: MIDI Regions can also be created by directly inserting events (see “Special
Functions” on page 140) fr
om the Clipboard into the Arrange window.

Capture Recording

You can also create a MIDI Region using the Capture Last Take as Recording key
command. Please refer to the Retrospective Recording section (see “Options” on
page 103).

Creating an Empty MIDI Region

Click at the desired position in the Arrange area with the Pencil tool to insert the empty
MIDI Region. You can now manually enter events into this new MIDI Region in one of
the editors.

Deleting MIDI Regions

You can delete all selected MIDI Regions by clicking on them with the Eraser tool, or by
pressing Backspace. You can also delete any non-selected MIDI Region by clicking on it
with the Eraser.

Deleting Muted Regions

The Edit > Select Muted Regions/Events function, as the name suggests, selects all muted
Regions. Pressing Backspace will then delete these Regions.

Retrieving Deleted MIDI Regions

Should you accidentally delete a MIDI Region, you can restore it by selecting Edit >
(Command-Z) immediately after making the error.

Even after several editing operations, it is still not too late to retrieve a MIDI Region,
because all deleted Regions actually end up in the Trash. The Open Trash key command
opens the otherwise invisible Trash folder. You can then transfer the desired Regions to
the Clipboard (Copy or Cut), and add them back to the song (Paste). An even neater
method is simply to drag the Regions from the Trash window into the Arrange window!

The Empty Trash key command irreversibly deletes the contents of the Trash folder, thus
using less space when the song is saved.

The Preferences > Global > Empty Trash after Saving a Song option (when checked),
deletes the contents of the Trash after a song is saved. Depending on the selection
made here, this means that you will/won’t have access to the deleted Regions from the
previous session, the next time you load the song.