Tempo track, Insertion of tempo changes, Deleting tempo changes – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 335: Continuous transition between different tempi

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Chapter 8

Global Tracks


Tempo Track

The Tempo track displays tempo changes as nodes: dots connected by lines. By
default, these dots are followed by horizontal lines that (at the bar position of the next
tempo change) form right angles with vertical lines, connected to the node of the
ensuing tempo change.

Note: If there is enough space in the Tempo track, the tempo will be indicated
numerically (in bpm) alongside each node.

Insertion of Tempo Changes

Tempo events are inserted by a double-click (with the Pointer) or by using the Pencil
tool. Watch the help tag and don’t release the mouse button until the intended tempo
and position are indicated exactly.

Note: If you hold Control-Option-Command while clicking in the Tempo track, a text
field opens. You can type the desired bpm value into this field. Press Return or Enter,
and a tempo event (of the typed bpm value) will be created at the clicked position.

Deleting Tempo Changes

To delete a tempo change, select it by either clicking the node itself or the line which
leads away from it, then press Backspace or Delete. Alternately, you can double-click on
the node or use the Eraser tool.

Continuous Transition between different Tempi

To create a continuous transition between two tempi, grab the dot at the tip of the
right angle (above or below) the second node, and drag it inside. A curve or diagonal
line will be the result. You’ll find that this is quite similar to drawing track automation
curves with the mouse.

The Tempo Resolution menu in the Tempo track defines the number of tempo changes
that are actually performed when using curves: When it is set to 1/16, there will be four
tempo changes per quarter note, 1/1 will only generate one tempo change per bar,
which will result in a less smooth transition. This setting can be defined differently for
each node.