Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 694

frequency The number of times a sound signal vibrates each second, measured in
cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz).
Glue tool This tool can be used to merge Regions or events by simply clicking on two
(or more) of them.
GM Abbreviation for General MIDI. A standard for MIDI sound modules that specifies a
standardized set of instrument sounds on the 128 program numbers, a standardized
key assignment for drum and percussion sounds on MIDI channel 10, 16-part multi-
timbral performance and at least 24 voice polyphony. The GM specification is designed
to ensure compatibility between MIDI devices. A musical sequence generated by a GM
instrument should play correctly on any other GM synthesizer or sound module.
grab (an object) Positioning the mouse cursor over an object, then pressing and
holding the mouse button down.
grid Logic’s grid is represented by vertical lines that are used to map the positions of
measures, beats, and sub-beats in various editors.
Group A Group allows you to combine multiple channel strips in order to link some of
their properties, such as volume faders and mute buttons. As an example, if multiple
audio tracks (with individual choir voices) are assigned to a Group, changing the
volume of one choir track within the Group changes the volumes of all (grouped) choir
GS Extended GM standard developed by Roland Inc.
Hand tool A tool used to move Regions in the Arrange window or events in the
editors. It automatically appears when moving the mouse cursor over an object when
the Pointer tool is selected.
help tag A small text window that appears when the mouse cursor is placed over an
interface element that indicates the name or value. When editing operations such as
moving or cutting a Region are performed, a larger help tag will display the current
position of the Region or function—in realtime.
Hermode Tuning A microtonal tuning system that can be used on all Logic and Audio
Unit software instruments. Hermode Tuning can make your software instruments
sound harmonically richer by fine tuning thirds, fifths, and sevenths to specific
intervals—in cents.
Hide buttons Buttons with the small “H” in the Track List. If you activate the individual
Hide buttons on the desired tracks, and when you de-activate the global Hide View
button, all Arrange track with activated Hide buttons will be invisible. See also View
Hide button.