Special keys, Key commands window – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 45

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Chapter 1

Using Logic


Special Keys

Some keys have special functions:

The Shift, Control, Option, and Command modifier keys can only be used in
conjunction with other keys.

The Backspace key has the fixed “delete selected objects” function. It can only be
assigned to another function in conjunction with the modifier keys.

The key combinations assigned to the options in the main menu bar cannot be
reassigned. The relevant key commands are displayed after the main menu items.

The plus and minus keys increase or decrease any selected parameter value in single
units. They can be assigned different functions which override this behavior.

Key Commands Window

The Key Commands window can be opened by selecting Preferences > Key Commands.

All available key commands are listed on the left side. They are grouped according to
various categories. The global key commands work regardless of which Logic window
is currently active; the other commands require the corresponding window(s) to be
topped. This allows you the assign the same key command to different functions in
different windows.

A “•” in front of the description of the function indicates that the function is only
available as a key command or MIDI command. To the right of the key command
listing, you can see the currently assigned key, and below this, the assigned MIDI
message (if applicable).