Handling chord symbols, Fast input of several chord symbols in one process, Enharmonic change of chord symbols – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 583

Chapter 16
Score Editor
As you enter the text for the chord in the Score window, you can influence the way the
inserted text is distributed to the different fields of the Chord Symbol Edit Box:
First, enter the root, then the extensions, then—after typing a slash—the (optional)
additional bass note.
As soon as you enter a number, everything following that number will be placed in
the upper extension line. If you write “G7(b9/b13)”, the whole “7(b9/b13)” will be
placed in the upper line, the lower line remains blank.
If you write letters before a number (for example FMAJ7/9), Logic puts the letters in
the lower line, and everything after the first number in the upper line.
You can influence this automatic placement with a comma in the text: everything
before the comma will be put into the lower line, everything after it into the upper
line. If you use more than one comma, only the first one is relevant, the others are
ignored. Blanks can be entered to create additional horizontal space between the
particular extension and the root.
If you want to change a chord symbol, you can either double-click on the root, and edit
the chord symbol in the resulting edit window, or you can double-click directly on one
of the extensions. A text cursor will appear in the extension line, and you can edit the
extension like regular text.
The appearance of chord symbols can be edited in the Text Style window (see “Text
Styles” on page 575), where you can choose different Text Styles for the root—Chord
Root—and the extensions—Chord Extensions-.
Handling Chord Symbols
Fast Input of Several Chord Symbols in One Process
If you insert several chord symbols into the same staff, there is a shortcut similar to the
fast lyric input mode. After writing the first chord, don’t press Enter, but Tab. The text
cursor automatically moves to the position of the next displayed note or rest. Enter the
next chord and repeat the process, or press Tab several times again, to move to the
position where you want to place the next chord symbol.
Hint: if you want to insert exactly one chord per bar into a very busy part, it is much
faster to create an empty MIDI Region, and enter the desired chords there (the cursor
always moves to the next bar when you press Tab in empty Regions). Afterwards, you
can either merge that MIDI Region with the original MIDI Region in the Arrange
window, or copy and paste all chords at once.
Enharmonic Change of Chord Symbols
The roots of chord symbols can be enharmonically changed with the same commands
as notes (Attributes > Accidentals or key commands). An example: “Gb7” becomes “F#7”
by selecting Attributes > Accidentals > Enharmonic Shift: #. Only additional bass notes
need to be edited directly in the Chord Edit window.