Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 721

background image



editing 475, 519
fonts 488
grace note 501
groups 553
image file 488
input 485
insert symbol 495
jazz 505
key signature 508

full/part 557

legato off 528
lyric 581
mouse 490
name 514
note attributes 548
note head 504
notes 497
polyphonic voices 542
preferences 560, 574
print 487
recording 489
repeat/bar line 511
rest/bar repeat 512
slur/crescendi 506
split stave 538
stave setup 529
step input 489
sustain 502
symbols 495, 504, 515
tablature 570
tempo 515
text 575
text/chord symbols 514
ties 498
time signature 509
trill, tremolo 512
tuplets 499
voice separation 540
volume 494


automatic chord interpretation 93
converting sustain pedal event to note length 41
editing 468, 469
forcing legato 40
keeping when cutting/dividing 136

editing 471

muting 472
overlap handling when cutting/dividing 136
pitch 468
quantizing 43
removing overlaps 39
shortening when cutting/dividing 136
splitting voices across MIDI channels 40
splitting when cutting/dividing 136

stopping hanging notes 93
unquantizing 44

editing 472

Note Events submenu 39
Note Force Legato function 40
Note Overlap Correction function 39
No Transpose option 127, 143
Nudge Event Position by … key command 41



mono 284

Object Parameter box 267, 701

Channel parameter 266, 267
Device parameter 266, 267
Instrument 123
MIDI Channel parameter 268
No HMT option 128
showing/hiding 267
Show options 268

OMF 80

exporting 80

converting 24 bit files to 16 bit 81
converting interleaved to split stereo 81
dithering 81
including audio 80
panning tracks 81

file version 80
importing 81

Open TL 80

exporting 81
importing 82

oscillator 701

selecting 275

Output Object 301, 701

Bounce button 285


Pan control 276, 701
Panic function 93
Parameter box 701
Parameters area 702

resizing 27
viewing 26, 27

Paste at original Position function 35
Paste function 35
Paste Replace function 35
Patch entry 448
Pause button 94
PCM 288
peak 702
Pencil 19
Pencil tool 702