Aaf export/import, Final cut pro/xml export/import, Final cut pro/xml export – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 83: Final cut pro/xml import, Track/region export

Chapter 1
Using Logic
This solves the problem of the song on the Tascam machine starting at a large time
value, but less than 1 hour (such as 59 minutes). In this situation, the user can’t
immediately see the imported audio parts because they are usually imported beyond
the song’s end point (possibly even beyond the largest possible song end point,
depending on the song tempo).
AAF Export/Import
To export the current song as an AAF file, choose File > Export > Song as AAF File. This
will launch a standard file selector dialog, allowing you to name the export file.
The export includes all used Regions, with reference to tracks and position, volume
automation included.
To import an AAF file, choose File > Import. This will open a file selector, which allows
you to choose AAF files.
Final Cut Pro/XML Export/Import
The Final Cut Pro/XML format is used to import/export audio data between Final Cut
Pro and Logic. The Final Cut Pro/XML format supports automation data.
Final Cut Pro/XML Export
To export the current song as a Final Cut Pro/XML file, select File > Export > Song to Final
Cut Pro/XML. This will launch a standard file selector dialog, allowing you to name the
export file.
Note: Audio Instrument tracks are always bounced to audio files. MIDI tracks are
ignored. Bouncing will automatically switch to realtime mode, if necessary (such as
when an I/O or External Instrument plug-in is used).
Final Cut Pro/XML Import
To import Final Cut Pro/XML files, choose File > Import. A file selector opens, which
allows you to choose XML files. Note that if you choose the XML (Final Cut Pro) option in
the Open File Type menu, only XML files will be displayed.
Track/Region Export
The File > Export menu also features several Export functions for Regions and tracks.
These allow you to render audio or Audio Instrument tracks with all active effects and
automation into a single new audio file. All export functions launch a file selector
window, allowing you to name the exported file(s) to specify the export file format
(SDII, AIFF, and so on) and bit depth, where applicable. The default save location for
exported files is the Audio Files folder of the Project. If no project is specified, the source
folder (of the audio) is the default target.
Export > Region as Audio File: Exports selected Regions as the specified file type.
Export > Track as Audio File: Simply select the desired audio track in the Arrange
window’s Track List. All Regions on the track will be selected, and you can use this
export function to merge all Regions into a single contiguous audio file.