Opening the time & pitch machine, Parameters, Free transposition – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 404
Chapter 11
Sample Editor
any combination of these functions.
Consider the Time Machine to be a universal tool for control of the pitch, tempo, and
sonic character of digital recordings. Each of these parameters can be addressed
independently. The current settings are visually represented by the position of a ball
in a 3-dimensional graphic display, where the axes are time, pitch, and timbre (sonic
Opening the Time & Pitch Machine
To open the Time Machine, select Factory > Time & Pitch Machine.
Most of the parameters are mutually dependent; you don’t need to enter them all to
get a good result. We suggest that you don’t adjust a parameter unless you know what
the value should be.
The left “column” (Original) displays the present value, and the right column
(Destination) is used for entry of the desired target value for the edit.
Tempo Change (%)
Tempo alteration in percent. (There is no original value shown).
Tempo in bpm (beats per minute). Make sure you set the right length in bars, or the
correct original tempo will not be shown on the left!
Length (Samples)
Length in samples.
Length (SMPTE)
Length in SMPTE time.
Length (Bars)
Length in bars. If you have already adjusted the song tempo to the Region that you’re
about to edit, the original value will automatically be set correctly. If not, you need to
manually enter the original length here.
Transpose (Cent)
Transposition of the sound material in 1/100 semitone units (cents).
Free Transposition
You will see the Free pull-down menu next to the Transposition parameter.
This is the most common setting when using the Time Machine. It means that the
program performs “free” compression/expansion or transposition. In this situation, the
pitch and tempo of the audio material are completely independent of one another.