N-tuplets – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 499

Chapter 16
Score Editor
Inside the triplet group there is the symbol for N-tuplets.
Depending on the display quantization selected, and the particular situation, Logic
usually recognizes and notates regular triplets correctly. This requires a corresponding
Qua (see “Qua (Display Quantization)” on page 524) value in the Display Parameter
box). For the display of other N-tuplets, it is necessary to use the N-tuplet object.
Definition of Previously Recorded Notes as N-Tuplets
For notes that already exist (as part of a MIDI recording), but are not displayed correctly,
the N-tuplet symbol has to be dragged on top of the first note. This note has to be
indicated in the help tag, before you release the mouse button. A dialog box will open,
where you can define the N-tuplet’s attributes:
In the score, the above would correspond to:
The dialog box can be explained most easily by using the example above: five tuplet
eighth notes should be displayed in the place of four regular eighth notes. In addition,
there are the following options:
Hide Bracket: the bracket is not displayed.
Hide Numbers: the N-tuplet’s number will not be printed. On the screen, it will be
displayed in parenthesis. This is necessary to be able to edit the N-tuplet further.
Show Denominator: the N-tuplet display also contains the denominator (the second
number in the dialog box). In the example above this would be 5:4.