Update arrange position, Functions – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 398

Chapter 11
Sample Editor
Update Arrange Position
Edit > Update Arrange Position, when engaged, means that altering the Region start
point (or, more specifically, the Anchor position) in the Sample Editor also affects the
position of the Region in the Arrange window. This ensures that the position of a given
audio Region stays at the same place in the arrangement. When moving the Region
start point back, the remaining portion of the Region will start playback at a later
Such edits have always been possible with Logic—but you needed to alter the start
point of the Region in the Arrange window. The Update Arrange Position option allows
you to make these edits more precisely in the Sample Editor, without changing the
position of audio in the Arrange. This is dependent on the Region start and Anchor
points being set to the beginning of the audio file (so that dragging the Region
startpoint also drags the Anchor).
This is the most common scenario: Anchor and Region start are always at the
beginning of the audio file, whenever you record audio or add an audio file. Moving
the Region start also moves the Anchor, as the Anchor can not precede the Region’s
start position.
If Update Arrange Position is engaged, moving the Anchor won’t change the audible
result. The movement of the Anchor in the Sample Editor and the new position in the
Arrange are automatically compensated for. Moving the Region start in the Sample
Editor will lead to the same result as dragging the Region startpoint in the Arrange
window. This is the default setting.
If Update Arrange Position is disabled, moving the Anchor changes the position of
audio Regions in the Arrange window.
This section describes various Sample Edit window functions that are ideal for polishing
audio recordings. You can use these to add the finishing touches to your work.
Each of the commands only affects the currently selected portion of audio. If you want
to use them to alter the whole audio file, use the Select All function beforehand.
All of the functions described in this section are destructive, and change the files stored
on your hard drive. You can, of course, use the Undo function.
As the Undo function in the Sample Editor works independently of the rest of the
program, you can try out an edit in the Arrangement and make changes there. As soon
as you open the Sample Editor again (or bring it into the foreground), the Undo
function is available for the last destructive sample edit.