N-tuplet input with the mouse, Changing or deleting existing tuplets, Fast input of several identical n-tuplets – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 500: Editing automatically displayed triplets

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Chapter 16

Score Editor

Direction: the direction of bracket and number. Auto refers to the setting in the used
Score Style.

Allow Double Values: if this option is activated (which is the default setting), N-tuplets
can contain note values which are twice as long as the “regular” tuplet value.

N-Tuplet Input with the Mouse

If you want to insert a tuplet, including all of its notes using only the mouse, insert the
first note at the desired position, then drag the N-tuplet symbol on top of it. In the
automatically opened dialog box, define the settings.

Initially, the display will be of a series of rests, their number corresponding to the N-
tuplet value. You may now insert the other notes at those rests’ positions. Select a note
value which approximately matches the length of the desired N-tuplet notes. In this
example, this would be dotted sixteenth notes.

If you want to hear these notes played back with legato phrasing, and the notes are still
too long or too short, you will need to change their (MIDI) lengths. The fastest way to
do this is to select all notes, and then Functions > Note Events > Note Force Legato
, or use the corresponding key command.

With the method described above, you can also create N-tuplets which contain rests or
syncopated note values (double length).

If you want an N-tuplet to begin with a rest, you first need to insert a user rest from the
Part box, then drag the N-tuplet symbol on top of that rest. Automatically displayed
rests cannot function as starting points for N-tuplets.

Changing or Deleting Existing Tuplets

A double-click on the N-tuplet number opens its configuration box, where you can
make changes, or use the Delete button to erase the tuplet. N-tuplets also can be
deleted by clicking on the tuplet number with the Eraser tool.

Fast Input of Several Identical N-Tuplets

If you hold down Option as you insert the N-tuplet symbol, the last inserted N-tuplet’s
settings will be applied to it, without the usual dialog.

Editing Automatically Displayed Triplets

Triplets are usually displayed automatically (depending on the Qua parameter in the
Display Parameter box). If you want to change the way these triplets are displayed, you
can simply double-click the “3”, which opens the N-tuplet dialog box (where you can
change the settings), and converts the automatic triplet to an N-tuplet. This also useful
for hiding the numbers and brackets of “normal” triplets.