Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 690

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DAW Acronym for Digital Audio Workstation. A computer used for recording, mixing,
and producing audio files.

dB Abbreviation for decibels, a unit of measurement that describes the relationships of
voltage levels, intensity, or power, particularly in audio systems.

decay An envelope parameter that determines the time it takes for a signal to fall from
the maximum attack level to the sustain level. See envelope.

Deesser A signal processor that removes hissing or sibilance in audio signals.

default The preset parameter value.

delay In the Environment, an Object that can create a series of repeats. In the Arrange
window, a Region parameter which can delay or advance a selected Region by a given
number of milliseconds. Delay is also an effect process that delays the incoming audio
signal, resulting in subtle chorusing effects through to endless repeats of the signal.

destructive Destructive audio processing means that the actual data of an audio file is
changed, as opposed to just editing peripheral or playback parameters.

dialog A window containing a query or message. It must be cancelled or replied to
before it will disappear and allow you to continue.

digital A description of data that is stored or transmitted as a sequence of ones and
zeros. Most commonly, refers to binary data represented using electronic or
electromagnetic signals. All files used in Logic are digital. Also see analog for

disclosure triangle A small triangle you click to show or hide details in the user

Display Format value Adjustable note value for the grid used in displays and
operations. Third number in the position indicator.

distortion The effect produced when the limit of what can be accurately reproduced
in a digital signal is surpassed, resulting in a sharp, crackling sound.

distributed audio processing See Logic Node application.

drag & drop Grabbing objects with the mouse, moving them, and releasing the mouse