Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 710

timing Measure of the ability to play notes at the right time. Timing can also refer to
synchronization between events, Regions, and devices.
toggle To switch between two states such as on or off (applies to windows, parameter
values and so on).
Toolbox A section in Logic’s Parameters area that contains tools for editing, zooming,
cropping, and otherwise manipulating items in the window. Toolbox tools can also be
opened at the cursor position.
Touch Tracks An Environment Object that allows MIDI Regions to be assigned to, and
triggered by, individual MIDI note events. This enables you to assign a number of
musical phrases to different MIDI keyboard keys, and trigger (or record) them in real-
time, making the process of arrangement faster and more intuitive.
track A horizontal row in the Arrange window that contains either Audio or MIDI
Regions that can be played back over time. Each track has a specified destination that
data is routed to. Logic allows hundreds of tracks to be used in a song.
Track List Situated to the left of the Arrange window’s working area. Displays the
Objects assigned to various tracks as well as the Track buttons.
Track Mixer Adaptive Mixer which automatically configures itself to show every audio
and MIDI track, in the order that they appear in the Arrange window or in an open
Folder. If you move the controls on the Track Mixer while recording, automation data is
stored in the relevant tracks as MIDI controller information.
Track Protect button The button with the lock icon in the Track List locks and unlocks
tracks. See also protected track.
Transform window Logic editor that offers a number of mathematical modification
functions for the processing of various aspects of MIDI events.
transient Position in an audio recording where the signal becomes a lot louder—over
a short time span (a signal “spike”, in other words). As this is typical for drum recordings,
transients can be used to indicate where beats occur in an audio signal.
Transport window Window used to control recording and playback functions. The
Transport window offers Record, Pause, Play, Stop, and Rewind/Forward buttons plus
other functions. You can also configure a fixed Transport window in the Arrange and
Matrix windows by selecting View > Transport. This Transport window variation is
named Transport field. The term Transport bar refers to both the Transport window and
Transport field.
transpositon Transposition is changing the pitch of a Audio or MIDI Region or event
by a number of semitones.