Quantization, How it works, Which events can be quantized – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 147

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Chapter 3

Arrange Window



Quantization is the rhythmic correction of notes to a specific time grid. Any
inaccurately played notes are moved to the nearest position on this grid.

As an example, if the smallest notes in a passage are 1/16th notes, you should use 1/
16th quantization to move all recorded notes to their ideal rhythmic value. This will
only work if no note was played more than 1/32nd from the ideal position, otherwise
the note will be moved 1/16th later or earlier than the desired position.

How It Works

Quantization settings are made in either the Region Parameter box or the Extended
Region Parameter box. They are non-destructive playback parameters, so they can be
replaced by another setting at any time. This also means that you can always revert to
the unquantized, original recording by setting the Qua parameter to Off. Unlike other
playback parameters, quantization affects the way notes are displayed in the editor
windows, thus allowing you to see what effect the quantization parameters are having
by looking at the position of the notes.Region quantization only affects notes, not
other types of events (controllers, for example).

For every note event, two positions are stored internally: the original recorded
position, and the playback position (also shown in the editor windows). For
unquantized MIDI Regions, both positions are the same. Each time you quantize, a new
playback position is calculated in relation to the original position.

The Apply Quantization Settings Destructively (see “Applying the Quantization Settings”
on page 150”) command o
verwrites the original position with the playback position.
The same thing happens if you manually change a note in one of the editors.

Which Events Can Be Quantized?

Region parameter quantization only works on notes, not on other types of events like
controllers. Apart from notes, all events have just one position parameter, which can be
left alone or permanently changed by Event Quantize, or dragging with the mouse.

Essentially, quantization works on the whole MIDI Region. To quantize individiual notes
or other event types, use Event quantization (see “Event and Note Quantization” on
page 43)
in one of the Editor windows. You should note that this overwrites the original
record position of the quantized note.

If you want to quantize various parts of a MIDI Region differently, you can divide the
MIDI Region, and use different quantization settings on each part of the MIDI Region.
You can then recombine the parts of the original MIDI Region without affecting the
way the parts are played.

The quantization grid always begins at the start of a MIDI Region. If the MIDI Region
does not start at the beginning of the bar, neither does the quantization grid.