Sends – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 273

Chapter 6
Logic’s Mixing Facilities
As there are obviously different classes of Audio Objects, a number of sub-folders
(Audio, Instrument, Aux, and so on) are automatically created in the /Applications/
Logic/Channel Strip Settings folder when you first save a Channel Strip Setting.
Channel Strip Settings are identified by the “cst” file extension.
Please do not attempt to change the Channel Strip Settings folder
Note: Further information about Inserts and the use of plug-ins can be found in the
first part of the Plug-In Reference.
The Sends allow you to send a portion of the Audio Object signal into an internal Bus
or Auxiliary Object. The Sends connect the Track Object with a Bus Object or Auxiliary
Object. No cabling is required for this or any other connection within the Audio Mixer.
Note: The Send routing options available vary, depending on the hardware you are
To create a Send:
Click on an empty Send slot and select one of the possible send destinations, using the
pull-down menu that appears.
When you have selected the Send destination, you can regulate the amount of signal
supplied by using the Send Amount control knob. As you are adjusting the level, the
relevant value appears in the Send slot. You may assign up to 64 sends per track.
To remove a Send:
Open the pull-down menu of an active Send slot, and select No Send.
To normalize the Send level:
You can reset a Send to 0 dB (90) by Option-clicking on its Send Amount knob.
To bypass a Send:
You can switch a Send to Bypass mode by Option-clicking on its Send slot. If a Send is
active, its name will be blue. If a Send is switched off, its name is gray (bypass mode).