Audio instrument object – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 298

Chapter 6
Logic’s Mixing Facilities
Example: To avoid large jumps in level, it is often useful to record a vocal track with
light compression. To do so; insert a compressor plug-in into the input channel and
assign the Input Object as the input source of an audio track. During recording, the
effect of the compressor is recorded with the track.
Note: To use the Audio Input Object as a “live input”, ensure that the Input Object has
an assigned Output. This allows monitoring of the Input Object (with all effects)
directly, without the need to assign it to a record-enabled audio channel.
Audio Instrument Object
The Instrument Object allows you to use virtual Software Instruments within Logic.
Currently, the following are supported: Logic’s own suite of software instruments and
AU compatible instruments. Logic supports up to 128 discrete Audio Instrument
channels, dependent on available CPU resources and system RAM. The advantage of
the integration of sampling and synthesis within Logic is that all tools necessary for
audio recording, sample playback and synthesis plus effects and mixing can occur
within your computer.
The Input Slot of the instrument Object serves as an insert slot for the software
After inserting an instrument, the Audio Instrument Object can be used just like a MIDI
track in the Arrange window. The Audio Instrument Object can also receive MIDI notes
via Environment cables from other MIDI instrument Objects. This is useful for creating
sound layers of hardware MIDI instruments and virtual instruments.
Please note that the Preferences > MIDI > General > Use Unified Virtual and Classic MIDI
Engine setting must be switched on to make use of these features.