Soloing when the track solo buttons are hidden, Soloing multiple tracks, Hiding tracks – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 117

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Chapter 3

Arrange Window


Soloing When the Track Solo Buttons are Hidden

If the Track Solo buttons are hidden—to save space—you can still solo a track with the
Solo button on the Transport bar.

Simply press the Transport Solo button, and click on the desired track. Soloed tracks are
indicated by a yellow outline.

Soloing Multiple Tracks

If you hold down Shift while the Transport Solo button is active, and click on the
desired track names, you will solo them (when the track Solo buttons are hidden).

If you hold any modifier while clicking on a Solo button in the Track List, all tracks in
the currently-selected display level (or folder) are soloed. If they were already soloed,
they will be unsoloed.

Note: You can make use of the Track Button Slide Activation feature for both the Track
Solo and Mute button functions (see “Track Button Slide Activation” on page 118).

Hiding Tracks

If there are tracks in the Arrange window that you do not need or want visible, you can
use the Hide Track function to hide the tracks. Hidden tracks will still be played back
when hidden.

There is a global Hide View button in the upper left corner of the Arrange window. This
is the big H button to the right of the Link button.

When you activate this button by clicking on it, the Hide (small H) buttons on each
individual track become available.

You may now activate the individual Hide buttons on the desired tracks, and when you
de-activate the global Hide View button, all Arrange tracks with Hide activated will be
invisible. When you wish to see the hidden tracks again, simply re-activate the Hide
View button.

There are a number of menu functions and key commands that relate to the Hide
Tracks feature. Even when the global Hide View button is deactivated, you can still hide
an individual track with the View > Hide Current Track and Select Next Track menu option
or key command. Finally, there is a menu function/key command to Unhide all Tracks
which will reset the Hide buttons of each track, making them all visible.