Instrument, Full name, Short name – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 555

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Chapter 16

Score Editor



In this column, you determine which (track) instruments are included in the Instrument
Set, and in which vertical order they will appear in the score. As in the Score Style
window, there is a narrow column at the left margin, where you can set an insert mark
(>) with a mouse click, or selection marks by dragging the mouse vertically. With these
selection marks, instrument entries are selected. With the usual cut/copy/paste
commands (Edit menu or key commands), you can move entries to change their order,
delete them, or copy them into other Instrument Sets. If you Paste them, they will be
pasted at the position of the insert mark, which you need to set to the desired position

If you double-click below the instrument list, a new instrument entry is added at the
bottom of the list. If you want to add an instrument somewhere in the middle of the
list, set the insert mark accordingly, and select New > Add Instrument Entry.

Click-hold on the name of this new entry (Instrument column). A pull-down menu with
all available track instruments will appear, that you can select from.

In most cases, it is convenient to create a new Instrument Set with New > New Complete
, since all instruments currently used in the Arrange window will be included
automatically. You can, however, also select New > New Empty Set, into which you then
can insert the desired instruments one by one. Other options in this menu are
Duplicate Set; which creates a copy of the currently visible Instrument Set, that you can
use as a basis for another set, and New Set of Selected Insts., which creates a new
Instrument Set containing all currently selected instruments.

At the highest zoom level, the Track Instrument icons are also displayed in this column.

Please note: you will not see a new Instrument Set in the Score window until it was
chosen from the pull-down menu in the Instrument Set Box.

Full Name

If you click in this column on any line, an entry field opens with the default entry
“@(reference)”. If you don’t change this, the Track Instrument name will be used as the
name for that instrument in the score. However, since the track instrument name often
is identical with the corresponding synthesizer patch (i.e. Solostrings high), you will
probably wish to assign another name here. This name will automatically be displayed
in the score as the full name, for example “Violin 1”. The display parameters for the
instrument names are set in Layout > Numbers & Names (see “Numbers & Names” on
page 564).

Short Name

Here you can define an abbreviated name for each instrument, which is used if in the
Layout > Numbers & Names dialog window short names is selected for the instrument
name display.