Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 720

background image




Metronome button 97


delay 611
interface 640
monitoring 93
options 635

MIDI channel strip 310

GM/GS/XG functions 310

MIDI Clock 605, 611
MIDI data

changing 587
converting 587
double speed 595
half speed 595
note length 595
reverse 595
transpose 595
velocity 595

MIDI Machine Control 612, 616

switching on 616

MIDI monitor 93

automatic chord interpretation 93
Panic function 93

MIDI Out button 39
MIDI Region 109

altering length

rounded to whole bars 135


by note pitch 138

dividing 136

overlapping notes 136

merging 137

MIDI Thru Tool 20
MIDI Time Code 605, 612, 699

copying entire setup 306

mixing 265

with hardware 655

MMC 612, 616

switching on 616

modifier key 699

Object 284
track to stereo bus 274

Move Locators forward/backwards by Cycle Length
key command 90
MP3 699

adding 365
importing 365
settings 647

MTC 605, 612, 699
Multiplayer recording 122

synthesizer 214

multitimbral 700

multitrack tape

sync 605

Multi Trigger mode 700
Mute 133
mute 700
Mute all Tracks of Folder key command 116
Mute all Tracks with Same Instrument key
command 116
Mute tool 19, 700
Mute Track key command 116

all tracks 116
note 472
Region 138



Region 139

multiple 139

native processing 700
Navigate Back key command 26
Navigate Forward key command 26
navigation path 26
New dialog 60

Create Project Folder option 60

Next note will be flat key command 55
Next note will be sharp key command 55
Next three notes are triplets key command 56
Next two notes are a dotted group key
command 56
node 700
Node application 382

enabling 383
ethernet cable 382
sampler track 384
Track Node button status 383

No HTM option 128

removing 372


Region parameter 145


beaming 544
chord 582
clef 502
color 573
date 514
diatonic 498
display 486, 552
display box 522
display correction 524, 526
display syncopation 527
dots 528
drum 546
dynamic 503