Consolidate project settings, Project preferences – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 64

Chapter 1
Using Logic
Consolidate Project Settings
The File > Project > Consolidate function launches the following dialog:
As you can see, it is basically the same as the Save As Project dialog, but with the Song
File pull-down menu missing.
How Consolidate Works
If Consolidate is used on a saved song, the song will be moved into a newly created
folder (named after the song). Following the consolidation, the usual Save As Project
functions (copying or moving files) can be performed.
The newly saved song is assigned “project” status (see page 62), allowing you to
change the Project settings after the fact, and making the song folder safe to move
or copy.
If Consolidate is used on a song which is already a project, all referenced files that are
not yet in the correct location within the project folder are automatically moved or
copied (dependent on the specified options) to the appropriate sub-folders.
Project Preferences
The dialog options for all of the abovementioned operations are saved into the
preferences file.
The default settings for these dialogs are as follows:
Move Song
Copy Audio
Copy Impulse Responses
Copy EXS Instruments
Delete Empty Directories
Unused Audio like Used
Create Group Folders
Once any changes have been made to these options, and the dialog was closed by
pressing the OK button, the default values are overwritten, and the new settings will be