Score display options—a survey, Settings which affect all song files – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 486

Chapter 16
Score Editor
Score Display Options—a Survey
With a few exceptions a printed score (see “Printout” on page 487) is always identical to
the Page Edit view display in the currently active Score window.
The display, again, depends not only on what was recorded or inserted, but to a great
extent on the chosen display settings. Since there are a quite a few, each affecting only
certain aspects of a song’s display, here is an overview of the various settings. These are
organized into groups, according to how much they influence the overall display.
Detailed explanations of the following terms are given on the indicated pages.
Settings which affect all song files:
The Score Preferences (see “Score Preferences” on page 574)
Settings which affect the score display of one song file:
Page format, and printer driver
Song Settings (see “Song Settings for Score Display” on page 560) (menu Layout):
Global Format
Clefs & Signatures
Extended Layout Parameters
Numbers & Names
Guitar Tablature…
Text Styles…
Score Styles… (see “Basics” on page 529)
Settings which can be assigned differently for each Score window, and
therefore allow different score displays within the same song file:
Display levels: Content Linked, Linked, or Not Linked
Explode Folders
Instrument Set (see “Instrument Sets and Score Display Levels” on
page 552): selection and order of the displayed instruments
Explode Polyphony
Linear view or Page Edit view (printout can only be started from Page Edit view)
Zoom levels (does not affect the printout)
Settings which affect the score display of a particular MIDI Region:
The parameters in the Display Parameter box:
Score Styles…—selection
Display quantization (“Qua”)
No Overlap
Max. Dots