Touch tracks object, The touch tracks window, Region note assignment – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

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Chapter 5

The Environment

Touch Tracks Object

Touch Tracks turns Logic into an interactive live sequencer. A touch tracks Object allows
you to trigger MIDI Regions or folders with single notes.

You can not use touch tracks to trigger audio. In the following section, any references
to Regions mean folders and MIDI Regions, not Audio Regions.

To create a Touch Tracks Object:


Drag a MIDI Region or Folder from the Arrange window into the Environment window
or select New > Touch Tracks.

To use a Touch Tracks Object:


Simply assign it to an Arrange window track, or place it anywhere in the MIDI signal

Here are some things to remember:

Only the touch tracks input has meaning—trigger notes must appear here. Although
the Object features an output triangle, it has no use, as events never appear here.

Regions triggered by touch tracks play exactly as they would from the Arrange
window—they play back through the instruments assigned to their tracks.

Logic’s Transport must be running for touch tracks to work.

The Touch Tracks Window

You open the touch tracks window by double-clicking on the touch tracks Object. This
window is set up similarly to the mapped instrument window (see “Mapped
Instrument” on page 219)—the input not
e is selected via the keyboard on the left, and
the output Region assignment and parameters are set in the columns of the
corresponding row.

Region Note Assignment

Dragging a MIDI Region or Folder into the Environment creates a touch tracks Object.
All notes (initially) trigger this Region. Middle C plays the Region/Folder at its original
pitch, and all other notes transpose it—relative to middle C.

In the Input column, you can see the input notes, and to the right, in the Region/Folder
column, the names of the assigned Regions or Folders. On the vertical keyboard to the
left, you can select individual notes or whole pitch ranges, by grabbing and dragging. If
you then drag a MIDI Region or Folder from the Arrange window, it will only be
assigned to the selected notes.

Remember that all settings of the following parameters also apply to multiple