Project manager preferences, Load project manager database on program launch, Search files using – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

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Chapter 12

Project Manager


Project Manager Preferences

In the Preferences > Global Preferences, there are three preferences for the Project

Load Project Manager database on program launch

Load Project Manager database on program launch simply defines when the database is
loaded. As this takes a few seconds, you can launch Logic without reading the database
immediately, thus starting Logic a little faster. The database is loaded as soon as you
open the Project Manager window for the first time. Engaging this parameter is simply
a matter of taste, and of how often you use the Project Manager. It has no effect on
Logic’s functionality—apart from the time taken for the database to be loaded.

Check for deleted files after loading Project Manager database

Check for deleted files after loading Project Manager database does exactly what the
parameter name says. The check for files that have been deleted by dragging them to
the Trash with the operating system shouldn’t be necessary, if you’re disciplined
enough to only “trash” files from within the Project Manager. If your working style isn’t
quite so “proper”, you can ensure that the Project Manager doesn’t miss a thing by
checking this option. Needless to say, this procedure always takes a little time. If you’re
relatively disciplined, and only move things to the Trash from within the Project
Manager, you can reassure yourself that nothing’s been lost by periodically checking for
deleted files manually (Function > Check for modified or deleted files). If you can maintain
this level of discipline, then you can leave this preference unchecked, and save yourself
some time.

Search files using:

The following search functions affected by the Search files using: preference only deal
with a case that should never happen. The case in question involves files that aren’t in
the location that’s been saved with the song or EXS instrument, when loading a song
or EXS instrument.

In the real world, however, you may occasionally and inadvertently move files on the
desktop, without using the Project Manager’s copy and move functions.

When opening a song or EXS24 instrument, Logic expects its audio files to be found in
the locations saved with the song or EXS file. Even in earlier versions (prior to 6), Logic
didn’t just offer a file selector box, in cases where files couldn’t be found where they
should reside. In such instances, Logic would automatically search for the appropriate
files with the right names on all disks, in every folder. As you may already know, this
procedure could take a little while, especially with complex EXS instruments. This
behavior still is possible.