Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 708
Song Settings The Song Settings, accessible from the File menu, are a collection of
program settings that are specific to the current song. These are different to the global
preferences that affect all Logic songs (see preference).
S/P-DIF Short for Sony/Philips Digital InterFace; standard format for transporting
digital audio data. Either an optical or a coaxial interface, depending on the type of
device. The format is similar to AES/EBU, although it features unbalanced circuits and
lower voltages. Nevertheless, AES/EBU and S/P-DIF coaxial interfaces can often
communicate directly (depending on the type of devices involved).
Standard MIDI file (SMF) Standard file format for exchanging songs between different
sequencers or MIDI file players. Standard MIDI files are not specific to a particular
sequencer program, or type of computer. Any sequencer should be able to interpret at
least the type 0 file format. Standard MIDI files contain information about MIDI events,
including; their time positions and channel assignments, names of individual tracks,
names, and positions of markers, tempo changes and copyright marks.
status byte First byte in a MIDI message, which determines the type of message.
Step Input function The Step Input function allows you to insert MIDI notes one at a
time in a MIDI Region when Logic is not in a real-time recording mode. This allows you
to input notes that may be too fast for you to play, or may be useful if replicating sheet
music, but you don’t sight read. In Logic you can use a screen, comptroller MIDI
keyboard for Step Input. Also see In button.
stereo Short for stereophonic sound reproduction of two different audio channels.
Compare with mono.
subframe A sub-division of a SMPTE frame, corresponding to the individual bits of a
SMPTE frame. One frame consists of 80 bits.
Sustain pedal A momentary footswitch that is connected to MIDI keyboards. It
transmits MIDI controller number 64, which is recorded and played back by Logic.
Swing parameter Alters the rigid timing of a quantization grid by delaying every other
note of a specified sub-division by a definable amount.
Sync button This button, found on the Transport window, activates/deactivates Logic’s
external synchronization mode.
synchronization Method of keeping several recording/playback devices time locked.
synchronizer Central unit used to control the synchronization of several devices.