Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 703
preset Set of plug-in parameter values that can be loaded, saved, copied, or pasted via
the Settings menu in the Plug-In window header. See setting and Settings menu.
pressure See aftertouch
project In Logic, the top-level folder that holds all media associated with a song,
including audio files, Sampler Instruments and samples, Video and Settings of various
Project Manager A window that allows you to manage all media and file types that
Logic can read/use. You can access the Project Manager by choosing Windows >
Project Manager.
protected track A track whose contents cannot be moved or changed.
punch in See drop in.
PWM Pulse Width Modulation. Synthesizers often feature this facility, where a square
waveform is deformed by adjusting it’s pulse width. A square waveform usually sounds
hollow, and woody, whereas a pulse width modulated square wave sounds more reedy
and nasal.
Q factor A term generally associated with equalizers. The Q factor is the “quality” factor
of the equalization, and is used to select a narrower or broader frequency range within
the overall sonic spectrum of the incoming signal.
Quantize button Button labeled with a Q. It opens the pull-down Quantization menu
in the Matrix Editor or Event List. See also Quantize tool and quantization.
Quantize tool Tool labeled with a Q. It is used to apply quantization to specific
(selected) events, using the basis quantize value determined by the Quantization menu
in the Matrix or Event List editors.
quantization Time-correction of note positions by moving them to the nearest point
on a selectable grid. When quantization is applied to any selected event or Region,
Logic will move all note events non-destructively to align perfectly with the nearest
grid position.
QuickTime QuickTime is Apple’s cross-platform standard for digitized, data-
compressed films that can be run in individual windows. You can run QuickTime
movies in a Logic window or on a global Video track, in sync with the song. Whenever
you move the Song Position Line, the film follows and vice versa.
RAM Abbreviation for random-access memory. A computer’s memory capacity,
measured in megabytes (MB), which determines the amount of data the computer can
process and temporarily store at any given moment.