Aliases, Creating an alias – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 155

Chapter 3
Arrange Window
An alias in Logic is the same as an alias in the Finder. It looks like a Region, but contains
no actual data. It is just a reference to the data of the original Region—a virtual
“reflection” of the original. You can always recognize an alias, because its name is
written in italics.
Note: Aliases can be created for MIDI Regions and Folders. Only cloned Audio Regions
can be created for Audio Regions (see the “Making Multiple Copies of Regions” section
on page 132). When the term Region is used in the following section about aliases, it
only refers to MIDI Regions and Folders.
If the data in the original Region is altered, this immediately affects all aliases of the
In fact, this is the whole point of aliases. As an example, if a riff or phrase keeps
recurring throughout a song, it makes sense to use aliases, rather than have full copies
of the original eat up your storage space.
Furthermore, when using aliases, if you feel something is not quite right, you only need
to alter the original, and the correction will automatically take effect throughout the
whole song. If you just want to alter a detail at one point in the song, you can turn that
particular alias into an independent Region.
Creating an Alias
To create an alias, just hold down Shift when copying the Region as per usual (hold
down Option-Shift and drag).
There is also the Alias > Make command in the MIDI menu. The alias appears on the
selected track, beginning at the current song position.
If several Regions are selected, their relative time and track positions are retained. The
selected track is the destination track for the first Region along the time line.
When you use the Region > Repeat Regions (see “Copying Regions” on page 132)
function, you have the “as Alias” option.
You can use MIDI > Alias > Make but Copy Folder to create aliases of the current
selection. If a folder is selected, a true copy of the folder is created, and aliases of all
Regions in the original folder are placed inside it. The advantage is that within this
folder, you can (for example) set up mutes, and alter program, instrument, or playback
parameters, if desired.