Example of automatic text, Lyrics, Some hints for working with lyrcs – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

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Chapter 16

Score Editor


Example of Automatic Text

Insert the INSTR object above the top margin (centered, Pages set to 2…). It will
automatically be treated as a Global Text object. Now, create an Instrument Set (see
“Instrument Sets and Score Display Levels” on page 552) named
“Score” in the
Instrument Set window. If you use this Instrument Set, there will be a line saying Score
on the top of every page, except the first one. If you now extract parts for the
individual instruments, each part will display the particular (track) instrument’s name
on top of every page, except the first one.


For song lyrics, there is a Part box object named LYRIC. Before you start with lyric input,
select the Text Style that you want to use for the lyrics, in the Event Parameter box, with
no object selected (indicated by Default Inserts in the title line of that box). Just click
on an empty spot, anywhere in the Score window, to deselect everything.

Now drag the LYRIC object below the first note of the melody, or just click the Text tool
at that position. Watch the help tag: each LYRIC object has to be at the same bar
position as the note it belongs to (taking into account display quantization). Now, enter
the text for the first note. Now, don’t press Enter, but Tab, which moves the text cursor
automatically to the beginning of the next MIDI note. If a MIDI note is displayed as
several tied (graphic) notes, it is also possible to move the cursor only to the next
graphic note with Shift-Tab, in order to be able to write several syllables below one
longer note.

With this method, you can enter all lyrics in one process, although each syllable is
saved as an independent LYRIC object.

Editing lyrics is the same as editing regular text. The Event Parameter box displays the
same parameters (LYRIC is set to ON here).

Apart from the fast input mode using Tab, the only difference from regular Text objects
is that Lyric objects affect the distance between the notes to which they are assigned.
This is to create enough space for the text to be displayed properly, without overlap. If
the text (or the Text Style) is changed later, the note distance will again be calculated

Some Hints for Working with Lyrcs

Setting all Words and Syllables to the Same Height
If you don’t enter the lyrics in one continuous process as described, the Lyric objects
probably will not have the exact same vertical position. To quickly set all LYRIC objects
to the same height (vert.pos), select Edit > Select Similar Objects after having selected
one object, select the Align Object Positions Vertically key command. Note: you do not
want to use this method if there are multiple lines of lyrics for different verses, since all
of them would be set to the same height.